Minimum Essential Coverage Plans (MEC)

Our low-cost MEC plans give employees the health benefits required by law.

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Our MEC plan options are solid, low-cost alternatives to traditional medical insurance.

BMA specializes in Minimum Essential Coverage plan options which helps employers comply with one of the two Affordable Care Act (ACA) requirements under the Employer Shared Responsibility Provisions (ESRP). Our plans are perfect for small employers as BMA does not require our clients to have a minimum number of employees.

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MEC eliminates the costly penalty that employers would otherwise have to pay for each employee under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) by covering preventive and wellness-related tests and treatments.

MEC Plan Features

  • Covers 100% of the government's listed Preventive and Wellness Benefits when members visit a network provider.
  • Provides first dollar coverage with access to one of the largest national preferred provider organizations (PPO) available
  • Strong PPO network discount savings
  • Network savings can be used for services not covered by the MEC.

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Covered Services in Minimum Essential Coverage

There are 63 preventive services covered at 100% under the required government list of Preventive and Wellness Benefits when a member visits a network provider. Services covered include immunizations, blood pressure screenings, diabetes and cholesterol screenings, prenatal visits for pregnant women and more. A full list of the covered services is included below.

Request a Consultation

Ready for the next step? Request a consultation to learn how MEC plans can serve the needs of your business.

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