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Self-Funded Vision and Dental

Posted on by bmaadmin

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Self-Funded Vision and Dental

The value of self-funded vision and dental is often overlooked. Yet these relatively inexpensive benefits bring about big value, both in the short and long term. Here are the top value-adds that you’ll “see” when you implement self-funded vision and dental plans.

  • See Low Risk of Catastrophic Claims
    Unlike medical plans, vision and dental plans carry a low risk for catastrophic or high cost claims. Employees will mostly use their coverage for routine checkups and exams, so employers don’t have to worry as much about saving for a rainy day, large claim.
  • See Chronic Health Issues Early On
    We all know that early detection can prevent chronic disease down the road. What is not commonly known is that vision and dental care aid in the detection of chronic disease. In a regular eye exam, doctors can identify early stages of diabetes, hypertension, and eye cancer. Routine dental checkups can uncover early causes of heart disease, pancreatic cancer, and leukemia. Through this early detection, employees can address chronic health issues right away, improving their health and mitigating the employer’s health spending in the long run.
  • See Higher Benefit Plan Value at a Low Cost
    Because of the ACA minimum essential coverage requirements, medical coverage has become a commodity of a benefit and is no longer a differentiator for employers trying to attract talent. As a result, non-required benefits like dental and vision really stand out to current and potential employees. It adds greater value beyond the standard medical coverage at a very low cost to the employer.
  • See How Self-Funding Works
    Moving to self-funded employee benefits can sometimes seem intimidating because of the risk involved. However, because of the low risk inherent in vision and dental plans, self-funding these benefits can help you get started. As you self-fund your vision and dental plans, you’ll learn how self-funding works and how beneficial it can be for your bottom line. And as your level of comfort increases, you can later move into self-funding for medical coverage.

Self-funding dental and vision doesn’t just provide valuable benefits at a low cost; it also can open your eyes to the value of self-funding. Contact us to look at how self-funded vision and dental can build value for your benefit plans and bottom line.

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