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Category: Benefit Plans

MEC, RBP, level funding

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Benefits of Self-Funded Dental

Dental care is underrated, and studies show that regular dental visits enable early detection of serious medical conditions. Employers can offer valuable dental benefits without large premium losses. By self-funding dental benefits, employers can achieve cost savings and other benefits …

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Cutting Healthcare Costs Through Reference-Based Pricing

As healthcare costs continue to rise, pricing transparency is becoming a bigger demand from employers. For years, the actual costs of healthcare have been vague and virtually inaccessible to employers; however, now they’re becoming more available through reference-based pricing. Reference-based …

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Do you want to be on the leading edge of Healthcare?

How Reference Based Pricing (RBP) can be the next solution for Employer Based Health Plans. With rising cost of healthcare plans, employer groups are looking at new health tactics that provide cost-shifting to their employees. A successful RBP program requires …

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