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Reasons to be Thankful for Self-Funding

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Reasons to be Thankful for Self-Funding

Despite the busyness of this enrollment season, it’s important to take time to be thankful. But who says you can’t do both at once? As we approach Thanksgiving, we wanted to share why employers are thankful for self-funding, and why you should consider it for your next benefit plan offering.

Cost Savings

Self-funding lets employers only pay for the healthcare expenses being incurred by employees, which saves them from spending on unused benefits. In addition, for employers using a TPA for level-funded plans, plan savings are kept by the employer, not absorbed at the end of the year by the carrier. And given the price of employee benefits, cost savings are always something to be thankful for.

Plan Flexibility

The plan flexibility inherent in self-funding makes employers thankful that they can pay for the benefits that make the most sense for their employees, and not have to pay for benefits they don’t need.

This tailored, benefit package gives employees the benefits that they want, increasing their value of the benefits package. It also boosts the attractiveness of the company to new applicants, enabling employers to recruit higher quality talent.

Personalized Customer Service

When an employer works with a TPA to administer their self-funded benefit plan, they’re not treated as just another group number. Thankfully, TPAs like BMA bend over backwards for clients, supporting the employer in promoting member benefit education and utilization. They’ll also walk members by the hand to address healthcare questions and to ensure they get the most out of their benefits.

Compliance Support

With the growing complexity of the ACA and employee benefits, employers couldn’t be more thankful to have a partner who will help them through the uncertainty and in staying compliant. By working with a licensed TPA that’s well versed in the ACA, HIPAA, and ERISA, the employer will receive valuable self-funded benefits that also stay compliant with federal and state law.


For employers looking for a more flexible, cost-effective option for employee benefits, we hope you’ll consider self-funding. And when it comes to choosing a self-funding partner, we hope you’ll choose BMA. With more than 20 years of experience in self-funding, benefits compliance, and customer service, we know what it takes to build a benefit plan that’s valuable to employees and cost effective for the employer.

So contact BMA to learn more about self-funded benefit plans. You’ll be thankful you did.

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