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Repealing ACA & Self-Funded Plans

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Repealing ACA & Self-Funded Plans

Trump’s proposal to repeal the ACA has left brokers, agents, insurance companies, hospitals, and beneficiaries concerned. At this time is more important than ever to understand the concerns and the possible repercussions, as well as the alternative options. BMA offers self-funding as another health insurance option. You can contact us to learn more about self-funding to see if it is right for your clients. Self-funding is a great way to help your clients free up capital and define their own benefits.

Republicans’ 4-Step Plan to Repeal the Affordable Care Act

By: Robert Pear, NYTimes

How they can uproot a law deeply embedded in the nation’s health care system without hurting some of the 20 million people who have gained coverage through it is not clear. Nor is it yet evident that millions of Americans with pre-existing medical conditions will be fully protected against disruptions in their health coverage.

But a determined Republican president and Congress can gut the Affordable Care Act, and do it quickly: a step-by-step health care revolution in reverse that would undo many of the changes made since the law was signed by President Obama in March 2010.

Step 1: Defang the filibuster
Step 2: Add the details
Step 3: The new president’s role
Step 4: Find a replacement

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Why Self-Funded Healthcare is a Great Option for 2017

By: Paul Johnson, ebn

Small- and mid-sized companies using traditional major medical plans are at a competitive disadvantage: either they are paying more in loaded costs than competitors that use smarter healthcare options, or they are finding it more difficult to hire employees because their competitors offer better plans.

With the new year and a new healthcare landscape, HR executives and benefits directors are now reconsidering their options, taking a much harder look at out how they can stop struggling to offer competitive benefits, and actually use their healthcare plans to recruit and retain the best talent, which will ultimately boost employee morale and profitability.

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Which ACA Rules Apply To Self-Funded And Which Do Not

By: Mark Reynolds, RHU

The big day for the AffordableCare is nearing – January 1, 2014. Though there is still much unsettled about the ACA’s future and its impact many things are clear; one area of clarity is the advantage of ERISA-based, self-funded plans (e-based plans).

Brokers and employers need to know and will quickly learn that there are certain aspects of the ACA that do not apply to e-based health plans. In this article, we will discuss a few points that truly make e-based health plans employer driven and provide better benefits for covered members.

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